[d | an-b-bro-fr-gf-hr-l-m-maid-med-mi-mu-ne-o-old_o-p-ph-r-s-sci-sp-t-tran-tv-w-x | bg-vg | au-mo-tr | a-aa-abe-azu-c-dn-fi-hau-jp-ls-ma-me-rm-sos-tan-to-vn | misc-tenma-vndev | dev-stat]
[Burichan] [Futaba] [Gurochan] [Tomorrow] [Архив-Каталог-RSS] [Главная]

Файл: PsiXoZ.jpg -(499 KB, 1430x1043, PsiXoZ.jpg)
499 No.5247666  

I will play with all your senses, and show you are alive
You can scream, ask my pity, it will never be enough
I will punish all of your sins, till your last drip of blood
I just want to be your pain, and feel the scars in your heart

Messiah, here is some pain, till the end, your final day
Messiah, there is some hate, face to face, your final day
Messiah, Messiah, Messiah, Messiah!!

>> No.5247668  
Файл: R-6254585-1414875173-5291.jpg -(73 KB, 600x600, R-6254585-1414875173-5291.jpg)

Realize, our life
Realize, our life is a lie
Realize, our pain comes from inside

>> No.5247669  

Слышишь голоса, преследующие меня по ночам?
Слышишь, как я кричу, очнувшись от кошмаров?
Слышишь мой бой в этой ночи, называемой жизнью?

>> No.5247670  
Файл: b0037836_1084799.jpg -(193 KB, 471x775, b0037836_1084799.jpg)

This is my brain
This my flesh
This my spirit

[d | an-b-bro-fr-gf-hr-l-m-maid-med-mi-mu-ne-o-old_o-p-ph-r-s-sci-sp-t-tran-tv-w-x | bg-vg | au-mo-tr | a-aa-abe-azu-c-dn-fi-hau-jp-ls-ma-me-rm-sos-tan-to-vn | misc-tenma-vndev | dev-stat]
[Burichan] [Futaba] [Gurochan] [Tomorrow] [Архив-Каталог-RSS] [Главная]