Когда говоришь, нет времени задумываться почему и как. Безусловно, в начале по-другому никак, но в этом-то всё дело. Я не могу запомнить почему и как. Мой единственный шанс - распечатать, на стенку и тренироваться по 6 часов в день, пока не стану делать автоматически. Первый пробный шар, пока что без бумажек, просто на том, что вбили в голову в школе:
Customs officer had smooth round face, glowing with honest feelings. He was respectful and affable.
— Welcome to our little country, — said he softly. — Do you like how sun shine there? — He looked at passport in my hand. — Nice morning, don’t you think so?
I gave him my passport and put my suitcase at white barrier. Customs officer fluently turn its pages with his long careful fingers. He was dressed in white uniform, decorated with silver buttons and cords. He put passport aside and touch my suitcase with tip of his finger.
— Funny, — he told. — Cover is still wet. Hard to believe that it is stormy somewhere.
— It’s already autumn in my country, — I whispered it and opened my suitcase.
With soft smile, officer take a short look in my case.
— It’s hard to imagine autumn in the country, that have the sun like ours, — he told. — Thank you, that’s enough… Rain, wind gusts, depressed nature…
I hate weather talks, so asked: What if I hiding something under my cloth?
Officer laughs.
— Useless formality, — he said — Tradition. Conditioned reflex, every custom officer have. — He gave me a list of thick paper — And another conditioned reflex. It’s not to usuall, so read it please. And put your signature somewhere on it.
It was immigration law. Immigration was completely forbidden.
— Interesting, don’t you think so? — officer told.