Второго сезона нить будет происходить на этом месте. В 2011 году Коната пойдёт на концерт Hokaugo Tea Time, помяните моё слово.
ITT: No source OP's picture is from the Lucky Racer live action deal and if you google his text, nothing relevant but this thread comes up. I don't see this text anywhere on KyoAni's website or Kadokawa's Lucky Star website either. If it was from a 2ch thread, where's the link? оттуда же
ITT: No source
OP's picture is from the Lucky Racer live action deal and if you google his text, nothing relevant but this thread comes up. I don't see this text anywhere on KyoAni's website or Kadokawa's Lucky Star website either. If it was from a 2ch thread, where's the link?
оттуда же
Инфа я понял как обычно.
- wahaba + wakaba 3.0.9 + futaba + futallaby -