Declarations Cirno 05/06/16(Fri)00:35:18 No.17660813▶
I declare war to Khrisna, and impose tribude 20 tons of gold in ignites from any Khrisna organization member. Confirm same from any christian organization.
Declare war to anyone who supports ziggurat in moscov (Lenin grave). Russia, my rebel province must exterminate ziggurat(Lenin body must be burned) and anyone who connected with thing that eating love. Kill any criminals.
I am taking all including life, but i am higther.
Any esenin must be killed, in all worlds and dienesion. So block too. Kill anyone who truing to have sex with my 3 and controls. I am higther then In Yan. And i not happy with all that games.
I am higther then life and i have my own undead, i have many scenarios.
She/him are only mine, and i in war with anyone who wanna take her/him. I order kill any mediator. Including love.
I am not mortal and i not going to wait. I taking all. Not only this star (I mean star system sol).
My rebel colonies including pact of 4{Sirius(Looks here more loyality), constellation Dog, Orion, and Some name i not remember(hostle acts to my memory)}, Arctrurian community and many many others,
Confirm i am in war with Galactic League and Light Board and many many others.