[d | an-b-bro-fr-gf-hr-l-m-maid-med-mi-mu-ne-o-old_o-p-ph-r-s-sci-sp-t-tran-tv-w-x | bg-vg | au-mo-tr | a-aa-abe-azu-c-dn-fi-hau-jp-ls-ma-me-rm-sos-tan-to-vn | misc-tenma-vndev | dev-stat]
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Файл: shot1632.jpg -(195 KB, 1280x720, shot1632.jpg)
195 No.4786020  

Hello my Russian brothers, поляк here, let me ask you few questions I can't find answer on the web:

Where do you order used goods (for example console games or just consoles)? Molotok is dead, and I can't find alternative
How is fansubbing? Do they actually translate anime from Japanese or rather English? Is is true most fansubbing groups are from Siberia?
Are there retro collectors in Russia? I know there are, but do they actually own games or just pirate?
How are imageboards? Do quality threads exist?

Спасибо аноны

>> No.4786034  
> Where do you order used goods

Try avito or youla. Also offline flea markets.

> How is fansubbing? Do they actually translate anime from Japanese or rather English?

Most of them are just poor translations of HorribleSubs. There is one fansubber once was translating Japanese into Old Church Slavonic weeks before English subs was released. I'm not sure where are fansubbers from since I only watch with English subs anyway.

> I know there are, but do they actually own games or just pirate?

How can you be a collector if you own CD-R with permanent marker label instead of boxed release unopened in original shrink wrap?

> How are imageboards? Do quality threads exist?

Here quality threads exist for 10 minutes at most before they are deleted. No fun allowed.

>> No.4786037  
Файл: HNI_0010.JPG -(93 KB, 400x240, HNI_0010.JPG)


>used goods (for example console games or just consoles)


>> No.4786038  


>Where do you order used goods

Avito or so. Probability of scam - 50% (scam, or legit). Also, ebay works here.


I don't know, and don't care so much, I prefer english translations.

>retro collectors

I think there are.

>How are imageboards?

Dead (at least in soul).

>Do quality threads exist?


Also why "поляк" and "Спасибо аноны" is cyrillic?
Also2 "Сырно", not "аноны"

>> No.4786046  


>How can you be a collector if you own CD-R with permanent marker label instead of boxed release unopened in original shrink wrap?

It used to be like that 10 years ago here, maybe you also had transformation

>There is one fansubber once was translating Japanese into Old Church Slavonic weeks before English subs was released

I laughed hard

I thought it would be on some forum, with things like ebay I couldn't trust stuff like that sadly


>Probability of scam - 50% (scam, or legit)

So how do you order (if you order of course)

>Also why "поляк" and "Спасибо аноны" is cyrillic?

I typed that

>> No.4786047  

No mainstream auction in Russia.
99% common people and retro collectors used avito.ru, this is usually common sell and buy, not auction. Or used ebay.

>> No.4786048  
Файл: 04870bc14b42b73854c333cbb567419d.jpg -(44 KB, 600x638, 04870bc14b42b73854c333cbb567419d.jpg)


> Hello my Russian brothers, поляк here

Мог бы и на польском написать, куда понятней бы было. Нет, блин, надо обязательно на английском писать, словно не в пяти шагах от нас живёшь, а с какой-то обратной стороны Луны, и никогда никаких контактов с нами не имел.

>> No.4786050  

I am can in ukrainian language writer, because have many ukraine friends.


>> No.4786051  

Извините, я не говорю по русски
Nie wiem w jakim stopniu rozumiecie polski, to napisałem po angielsku
Nie rozumiem co dalej napisałeś anonku, wnioskuję, że nie spodobało ci się jak nazwałem was braćmi?

>> No.4786054  
Файл: HNI_0012.JPG -(93 KB, 400x240, HNI_0012.JPG)


>I thought it would be on some forum, with things like ebay I couldn't trust stuff like that sadly

Gbx is the biggest and the oldest russian retrogaming community. Gbx is much more reliable than ebay. The people who buy and sell stuff there are actually care about customers and about reputation.
I never have issues with gbx. But i have lovley expirience with scum from ebay.

>> No.4786057  

Poproszono cię o napisanie po polsku i nie wtrącanie się w kilka języków, których sam nie rozumiesz.

>> No.4786058  

ebay is shit, I meant ebay-like sites where they cover you until you get package shipped to home

jest i on

>> No.4786083  
Файл: 1459813479575.jpg -(754 KB, 1280x893, 1459813479575.jpg)

I want to visit Poland because there are a lot of manga series. Ongoings. Old mangas. Artbooks. In Empik books are a bit expensive, but in some internet shops they are really cheap for russians costs. But MRG is out.

>> No.4786091  
Файл: CLANNAD.full.1151097.jpg -(251 KB, 956x718, CLANNAD.full.1151097.jpg)

Brother поляк, you watched anime on RTL7 when you was kid? RTL7 was very popular in Moscow UVAO region around 20 years ago and it showed very cool anime like Dragon Ball and Dr.Slump! I watched all this по-польски every day. Because of this memories I have a very worm feelings to Poland, thanks!!

>> No.4786150  

I've never seen manga in empik or in any retail shop, but they're online. One costs about 20zł (4 euro, add shipping and it's 5-6) but it's mostly mainstream stuff like Shingeki na Kyoujin, Madoka, Durarara etc
We pretty much get what was big in Japan and rest of the world - it's not weeb paradise by any means

I didn't, I watched very few anime shows in childhood

>RTL7 was very popular in Moscow UVAO region

I'm surprised you got this channel in Polish there

>> No.4786169  

Что-то в этом треде не так...

>> No.4786175  
Файл: bT561.jpg -(104 KB, 551x551, bT561.jpg)

London is the capital of Great Britain!
Warszawa jest stolicą Polski

>> No.4786192  

Пришел на русскую борду - говори на русском языке.

>> No.4786193  

Это гонконгская борда же.

>> No.4786197  

Но борда всё равно русскоязычная. Мы же на форчане на русском не пишем.

>> No.4786198  

Ну это ты не пишешь.

>> No.4786205  

To, że OP pisze po-angielsku, a nie po-polsku.

I jeszcze, nie


ale Cyrno!

>> No.4786206  
Файл: 1306052916928.jpg -(47 KB, 310x482, 1306052916928.jpg)


Тред естимо курва мачь!

>> No.4786208  
Файл: czy-widzieliscie-tego-kota.jpg -(111 KB, 666x666, czy-widzieliscie-tego-kota.jpg)

OP, widział tego kota?

>> No.4786271  
Файл: shot0009.jpg -(192 KB, 1920x1080, shot0009.jpg)

Anonki, nie denerwujcie się

Teraz jak mi go pokazałeś, tak

>> No.4786308  
Файл: iskra.jpg -(306 KB, 1323x861, iskra.jpg)

So, which animes have Polish nyashas?

>> No.4786429  


> There is one fansubber once was translating Japanese into Old Church Slavonic weeks before English subs was released.

Ты про Соуса штоле? Он грил японского не знает.

> куда понятней бы было

Ты будешь в шоке.

>> No.4786457  

Souse-kun said there was no English subtitles available. The fact he don't know Moonspeak doesn't mean he can't translate with a dictionary.

>> No.4786466  
Файл: 61611631_p0.jpg -(357 KB, 1000x1416, 61611631_p0.jpg)

Моего низкого уровня владения японским вполне достаточно, чтобы переводить то, что я переводил. Но в целом, мне действительно проще сказать, что я не знаю японского, чем пояснять нюансы.

Со словарём я через ВН продирался, скорее.

>there was no English subtitles availabl

Более того, «Pop in Q» на английский тоже я переводил, ололо.

>> No.4786467  

Do you know Old Church Slavonic as good as Japanese or much better?

>> No.4786560  
Файл: 1536995829.jpg -(65 KB, 454x807, 1536995829.jpg)

>>4786150 3-4 years ago in Empik (z Trójmiasta)

>> No.4786647  
Файл: hqdefault.jpg -(9 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

Deletion ahead!
Pull up!
Pull up!
Pull up kurwa pull up!

>> No.4787090  

Yep, it is really hard to buy stuff once molotok.ru had passed away.

There are some web-auctions, but none of them as big as molotok.ru was. Now you got:

  • meshok.net
  • au.ru
  • auction.ru
  • newmolot.ru

...and some more. I don't really recommend Avito.ru, though.

And there are some web-forums, where you can buy stuff, too.

>> No.4787137  

pshe pshke kshe kshe pshe

Is my Polish well enough?

>> No.4787139  
Файл: bow.gif -(1 KB, 43x20, bow.gif)

Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz czy to ty?

>> No.4787270  
Файл: Grzegorz Brzeczyszczykiewicz.png -(77 KB, 210x302, Grzegorz Brzeczyszczykiewicz.png)


>> No.4787274  
Файл: 25423450.jpg -(301 KB, 626x885, 25423450.jpg)

Самоочевидно, что старославянский носителю русского выучить проще, чем закорючки.

>> No.4787434  

No, you didn't even say kurwa.

>> No.4787862  
Файл: 123.jpeg -(215 KB, 780x1590, 123.jpeg)

Nawiasem mówiąc, "Google translate" powinien dobrze tłumaczyć z polskiego na rosyjski

więc możesz spróbować użyć

>> No.4788224  
Файл: shot0196.jpg -(112 KB, 1280x720, shot0196.jpg)

It's still alive


>Russians know better about your country

I swear I've never seen manga in shop

>> No.4788378  

At least in Moscow large bookstores have shelves with manga and other manhwahua.

>> No.4788702  
Файл: Akemi.Homura.600.484157.jpg -(63 KB, 600x560, Akemi.Homura.600.484157.jpg)

>>4788224 I just live near RP

I found the cheapest manga on Aros.pl. 5 zl less than in Empik!

>> No.4789552  
Файл: shot1680.jpg -(65 KB, 1280x720, shot1680.jpg)

How are other cities? From what I know Moscow is the best one, but smaller ones? I'm particularly interested in Vladivostok and cities in European part

Don't forget about shipping costs

>> No.4789597  

>>4789552 Oh
I forgot.

>> No.4790779  
Файл: IMG_20180927_204209_878.jpg -(805 KB, 3190x2448, IMG_20180927_204209_878.jpg)

You guys hav very good industryes. I have this tsirt and throuh eight years of wear she still good as new.

>> No.4790831  

Добры дзень. Жыве Беларусь!

>> No.4790985  

О, ти диви, живий Мамi. Воно ще живе! Чудово!

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