[d | an-b-bro-fr-gf-hr-l-m-maid-med-mi-mu-ne-o-old_o-p-ph-r-s-sci-sp-t-tran-tv-w-x | bg-vg | au-mo-tr | a-aa-abe-azu-c-dn-fi-hau-jp-ls-ma-me-rm-sos-tan-to-vn | misc-tenma-vndev | dev-stat]
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Файл: rez.jpg -(104 KB, 850x618, rez.jpg)
104 No.5359845  

this site seems very nice and in the spirit of imageboards of old, at least all russian otaku IBs seem to be like that to me. or maybe it's just looking at wakaba making me feel really nostalgic.
I wish we had such sites in the english speaking sphere.
makes one wonder how to foster such community.

>> No.5359846  

Don't you have 4chan/a?

>> No.5359847  

/bant/, lol.

>> No.5359848  

How did you find IIchan? Really, I think its not so easy.

>> No.5359849  

4-ch net /img
OP must be our Cirno in disguise!

>> No.5359850  
Файл: 1732730379642577.jpg -(47 KB, 680x510, 1732730379642577.jpg)

Posting in the deleted thread

>> No.5359851  

Remember that cafe thread in /d/

>> No.5359852  

The hell you're talking about lol, just open any random overchan and-

>314chan is dead
>bunbunmaru.com is dead
>desuchan is dead AGAIN

Well, tohno-chan is up, so is oneech, smugloli, heyuri, gurochan, kissu, etc...

>> No.5359853  

Suggest banning OP?

>> No.5359854  

/a/ is only focused on anime. all discussions outside the topic are forbidden. sometimes you just want to talk about everyday things with people who share your interests. this used to be allowed or rather majority of 4chan used to be very like-minded. also 4chan is contaminated with politics in general.
I was browsing nameless rumia's wiki. but I always knew there was a russian iichan from way back when the original one still existed.
these are just slow and not a lot of actual discussion going on.
like I said everything is slow and dead these days. you seem to have enough traffic no to feel lonely and maintain constant engagement.

>> No.5359856  

Heyuri and even oneech are literally faster than here and does not contain 50% of the posting in one avatarfaggot thread, sod off.

>> No.5359866  
Файл: resistors.png -(521 KB, 1024x1587, resistors.png)

Orientation of those is all over the place and none are aligned properly.

>> No.5359867  
Файл: image-w1280.webp -(47 KB, 1280x720, image-w1280.webp)


>> No.5359886  

I think IIchan remains so comfy because of its smaller community and stricter moderation.
It's mostly comprised of older users who maintain the atmosphere or newer users who liked it here and were able to adapt.

We occasionally get new people who don't agree with some fundamentals of the website.
But it's nowhere near as bad as on popular imageboards with the flood of paid shills and normies trying to dictate what's "normal" now.

>> No.5359887  

Как по-английски будет "мелкобуква"? Lowercase letter faggot?

>> No.5359891  


>> No.5359920  

Что ж, ждать этот комментарий пришлось недолго.

>> No.5359926  
Файл: 12952529460554.jpg -(114 KB, 1024x768, 12952529460554.jpg)

When I read any all-lowercase post here, I get the impression that their author is the same kind of manlet with a squeaky gnome-like voice in real life, and often, due to the lack of punctuation marks in his messages, in real life he also monotonously pronounces the text in a nasal voice without any intonation. At the same time, as I have noticed, in most cases an all-lowercase post, regardless of its length, contains a prison guard tone, which is why the entire content of the message comes down to boorishness and banal obscenities, à la "I fucked your mother" or "Blow me" — therefore, patient has a Napoleon Complex. Another indistinguishable attribute of the Internet Dwarf™ is a sort of "letter jamming" effect — when any written word is not written completely with all the letters, or is distorted on the fly, using the writing principle "I write the way I speak", which tells us about the real similarity of the author to cerebral palsy patients, who pronounce each word with slight difficulties and pauses between them. Based on this, any all-lowercase text written here with obvious grammatical errors a priori carries no weight, and its author deserves a seance of urine therapy followed by washing the mouth with a laundry soap. Minusculey is not a proper person, ridicule him and drive him away.

>> No.5359949  

Now you've done it... Prepare Uranus.

>> No.5359950  
Файл: Pixiv 5607882 63879697.jpg -(53 KB, 600x800, Pixiv 5607882 63879697.jpg)

Lowercaser == Internet dwarf? Nice. Their device is probably small too.

>> No.5359954  
Файл: uranus_and_obscenity.jpg -(175 KB, 1024x768, uranus_and_obscenity.jpg)


>> No.5359956  
Файл: Pixiv 296076 4768778.jpg -(77 KB, 800x600, Pixiv 296076 4768778.jpg)

Самое интересное, что я несколько дней назад вспомнил /bant/, зашёл туда, увидел, что он живой, и что это полный писец, и ушёл. И тут оттуда набигают... Форчан следит за тобой?

>> No.5359970  
Файл: maxresdefault-177383833.jpg -(112 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-177383833.jpg)



Разве ещё не переименовали?

>> No.5359978  

This >>5359856 anon posted trvth. Our genshin thread on /vg/ is literally faster than the whole /b/ if we ignore chat threads. Which wasn't the case a few years ago. I'm fairly newfag from the late 10's and people were already saying that IIchan was dyeing, but compared to modern times it was very active place. Now I spend more time on 4chan than here just because there are no new posts to read.
Although I agree about discussion issues. I think they're trying too hard to be "old 4chan".

>> No.5359990  

Priver vsem, ват ыз гоинг он ин дыс трэд?

>> No.5359994  

Nic ciekawego, panie.

>> No.5359997  

Сами вы паны, а мы - унылы.

>> No.5359999  


>> No.5360000  


>> No.5360001  

На Ычане не гетают.

>> No.5360002  

As you can see i do.

>> No.5360029  


>> No.5360148  

А фильтр, который не давал постить с заграничных адресов был отключён год назад?

>> No.5360154  

А разве ычан не заблокирован роскомнадзором? У меня он без VPN вовсе не работает.

>> No.5360155  

Так ведь есть зеркало. С добрым утром.

>> No.5360156  
Файл: images.png -(8 KB, 225x225, images.png)

Ой, видимо я совсем отстал от жизни...

[d | an-b-bro-fr-gf-hr-l-m-maid-med-mi-mu-ne-o-old_o-p-ph-r-s-sci-sp-t-tran-tv-w-x | bg-vg | au-mo-tr | a-aa-abe-azu-c-dn-fi-hau-jp-ls-ma-me-rm-sos-tan-to-vn | misc-tenma-vndev | dev-stat]
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