[d | an-b-bro-fr-gf-hr-l-m-maid-med-mi-mu-ne-o-old_o-p-ph-r-s-sci-sp-t-tran-tv-w-x | bg-vg | au-mo-tr | a-aa-abe-azu-c-dn-fi-hau-jp-ls-ma-me-rm-sos-tan-to-vn | misc-tenma-vndev | dev-stat]
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234 No.20909  

And we continue. Today i tell you about a game named the "Minecraft".
It is a sandbox-like game. Whole word consist of block of various material: the dirt, the stone,
the gravel and so on. You can mine this blocks, create buildings from it, create another blocks
from other block, even a hack tree blocks from trees by bare hands!
The game has no exact goal, so you might imagine you own goals. The main gameplay feature is
exploring, imagination and creation.
The game was created by sweden developer Notch and primarily was a just sandbox with no gameplay. Sooner
Notch released second game mode named 'Survival'. In survival mode player has no all and infinity
types of block and must extract it from world by instruments or bare hands.
So, it is the end of my short and not so conected story of the minecraft game. As
i mentioned earler, you may correct my terrible mistakes. Hope you do it.

>> No.20910  

I hate wakaba. Previous post is for that thread: http://iichan.hk/tran/res/20873.html

>> No.20911  
>Today i tell
>I will
>named the "Minecraft"

named (called) "Minecraft"

>word consist




>from other block


>a hack tree blocks


> might imagine you own goals

may set your own goals

> has no all and infinity types of block


>Hope you do it


Not that my English is any good, but anyway. Don't know if I managed to get them all, though.

>> No.20912  
>a hack tree blocks

Рубить деревяные блоки.

> has no all and infinity types of block

Не все и не бесконечные типы блоков

Thanks for your reply.

>> No.20913  


>a hack

to hack

>no all

not all



>> No.20936  


>I will

Разве? Will это об относительно далёком будущем, почему бы не использовать I'm going to tell?

>> No.20937  

И так и так нормально. going to более разговорный вариант.

>> No.20938  
>about a game
>a game


>> No.20939  


>> No.20940  
> block of various material: the dirt, the stone, the gravel and so on

blocks of various materials: dirt, stone, gravel and so on.

> this blocks

these blocks

> from it

from them

> create another blocks from other block

вообще Runglish, лучше: transform some blocks into other blocks

> sweden


> a just sandbox

just a sandbox

> has no all and infinity - ??? неясен смысл вообще
> conected

connected, но если имеешь в виду "не очень связный", то по смыслу лучше coherent.

[d | an-b-bro-fr-gf-hr-l-m-maid-med-mi-mu-ne-o-old_o-p-ph-r-s-sci-sp-t-tran-tv-w-x | bg-vg | au-mo-tr | a-aa-abe-azu-c-dn-fi-hau-jp-ls-ma-me-rm-sos-tan-to-vn | misc-tenma-vndev | dev-stat]
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