[d | an-b-bro-fr-gf-hr-l-m-maid-med-mi-mu-ne-o-old_o-p-ph-r-s-sci-sp-t-tran-tv-w-x | bg-vg | au-mo-tr | a-aa-abe-azu-c-dn-fi-hau-jp-ls-ma-me-rm-sos-tan-to-vn | misc-tenma-vndev | dev-stat]
[Burichan] [Futaba] [Gurochan] [Tomorrow] [Архив-Каталог-RSS] [Главная]

Файл: -(223 KB, 521x668)
223 No.4722550  

Hello, my friends. I want make a thread about English language for increase your skill in that.

P.S. Remember, no Grammar-nazi. In most cases, your interlocutor will be the same fool. The main thing is that we understand each other.

P.P.S. Google Translate is cheating!

>> No.4722551  


>increase your skill in that

Are you some native speaker or what?

>> No.4722552  
Файл: -(4 KB, 194x259)


>for increase

R u sure u can?

>> No.4722554  
>I want make

Wow, such English, much native

>> No.4722555  


>Google Translate is cheating
>> No.4722557  

/tran is not for trans

>> No.4722558  
Файл: -(325 KB, 693x900)

Baka-level! I am understood by native speakers. Sometimes they correct, but fairy often sees how they themselves break the grammar, which they don't pay attention to.


> Remember, no Grammar-nazi
>> No.4722561  
Файл: -(495 KB, 800x900)

It will be understood by any foreigner, but your teacher will not appreciate.

>> No.4722563  


>native speakers.
>fairy often sees how they themselves break the grammar

Are you sure that they are native speakers and no some random migrants?

>I am understood by native speakers

Well... I pretty much undestand what migrants from middle asia trying to say me in Russian. But it's definetelly not a best idea to study Russian by talking with them.

>> No.4722562  

I've never heard this word ever before, even from native speakers. So I assumed you got that word by using Google Translate yourself as it is highly specific, something that automatic translation services usually come up with. Well, you might have pulled it straight out of the dictionary yourself yet still it's a weird word. My comment has nothing to do with being a Grammar-nazi.

>> No.4722564  
Файл: -(312 KB, 850x1009)

How can you learn English when you are misleaded? You will only make it worse for yourself and hurt other people. So you want Grammar-nazi to help you to become better.

>> No.4722565  
Файл: -(97 KB, 638x638)

London is the capital of Great Britain!

>> No.4722566  

Совок чек: Лондон или Ландан?

>> No.4722568  


>> No.4722569  
Файл: -(708 KB, 1200x1237)

MGIMO finished!

>> No.4722570  

Ну хоть не Ландон.

>> No.4722571  
Файл: -(165 KB, 850x810)

Лон Даун!

>> No.4722572  


>help you to become better

Majority of this people just screaming/writing something about "you are stupid/uneducated/some another ad hominem" and it's not helpful at all. Whatever is it English or Russian.
Not OP.

>> No.4722573  
Файл: -(82 KB, 894x894)

Вообще-то Ланден, неуч.

>London [ˈlʌndən]
>> No.4722575  
Файл: -(93 KB, 400x240)

I can't: kʰɑːnt или kænt? Главное, не путать между собой акценты, чтобы не быть девушкой с пониженной социальной ответственностью.

>> No.4722576  
Файл: -(310 KB, 850x1009)

This is not the problem with them. They are pointing you on your mistakes and then writing something else. This means that you just check part about mistake and then ignore the rest. Main problem in Grammar-nazi is that they are bad in that language as well in most cases.

>> No.4722578  

Естественно, через А. Мы ведь не американская деревенщина, у которых узаконили ошибки в языке (как у нас случилось с "Кофе - оно", только там у них тысячи таких случаев).

>> No.4722579  

Это никак не относится к вопросу. Лондон читается одинаково в разных акцентах, тогда как в СССР учили читать именно через "о", что неверно.

>> No.4722581  


>check part about mistake

It's pretty troublesome if haven't systematic knowledge of language, you know.

>they are bad in that language as well in most cases.

In like 95% cases. Because if your knowledge really that high - then there should not be a problem for you to explain what exactly wrong with sentence.

>> No.4722582  


>> No.4722584  
Файл: -(241 KB, 490x640)


>> No.4722586  
Файл: -(103 KB, 400x240)

Кое-кот, видимо, никогда не общался с австралийцами и канадцами.

>Лондон читается одинаково в разных акцентах, тогда как в СССР учили читать именно через "о", что неверно.

Да ладно:
Прошу заметить, это британцы. Что через а, что через о, одинаково ужасно.
И таки сможешь симулировать британский акцент до конца? А не някать как все, а потом раз и i cunt?

>> No.4722587  
Файл: -(310 KB, 850x1009)

They can be just lazy, or toxic. Normal person will not care about simple mistake and will focus on the subject of conversation instead. It reminds me about >>4722573 game bad reviews: "Unreadable English, can't play", while most mistakes there are just random typos and in general English there is better than in many other non-AAA games.

>> No.4722588  
Файл: -(708 KB, 1200x1237)

Who are these with barbaric scribbles?

>> No.4722589  


>Австралийский английский

Нашёл что приводить в пример. А канадцы, в основном, говорят через "а".

>> No.4722591  

Так это песня, там и ударения и окончания,А порой и слова читают так, чтобы звучало под музыку или похоже на стих.

>> No.4722592  


>They can be just lazy, or toxic

Or both. Nevermind.

Lobotomy corporation? Is there any end of the game, btw? Or is it pretty much infinity sandbox "dwarf fortress" style if your corporation can survive, obviously.

>> No.4722596  
Файл: -(309 KB, 850x1009)

There is story and 4 endings, one of which is "true ending" and the rest are "bad endings". But it is grindy game (no wonder, as few korean students are developers of it). English translation there is decent, much better than russian one. That is mostly because russian translator is stubborn ("Red Riding Hood" was translated as "Красный Капюшон", and not as "Красная Шапочка", or at least as "Красная Накидка [наездничья]", and similar stuff is all around, with loosing all word play and referenses), even thought he tried and is very fanatical about the game.

>> No.4722598  
Файл: -(309 KB, 850x1009)

I made a mistake there.
Если уж говорить "is story", то следует после этого "and there are 4 endings", либо же сразу говорить "There are story and smth else".

>> No.4722604  

Only RP, only ultrahardcore!

>> No.4722606  


>говорить "There are story and smth else".

Are you sure that this is correct? Because it's not "stories".

>> No.4722637  
Файл: -(309 KB, 850x1009)

Interesting question. I've checked few sourses and according to professors from Cambridge University, both are correct. Variant with "are" is dated, and variant with "is" is modern.
This means that >>4722596 is correct, while >>4722598 is correct as well, but the first one is more preferable to use.

>> No.4722638  
Файл: -(1 KB, 77x20)

E-RP I hope?

>> No.4722640  
Файл: -(35 KB, 480x360)

Hello, pink girl.
Come to 4chan, and you will be study manifique english languege.

>> No.4722644  

B-baka hentai! RP means Received Pronunciation.

>> No.4722647  

Sounds french to me.

>> No.4722656  

This is englshque.

>> No.4722666  

Какие вообще могут быть Grammar-nazi в языке, в котором пять подряд существительных без всяких знаков препинания составляют вполне себе предложение (смысл которого закономерно ускользает от любого неанглоговорящего, что очень бесит)?

>> No.4722669  

Или в языке, где исключений больше правил, а заимствованные слова читаются, а порой и используются, по другим правилам, чем все остальные. Притом каждое слово имеет свои правила, и не работает так же, как и другие заимствования. А ещё правльные и неправильные глаголы, которые стоит запоминать также.

>> No.4722673  


>hurr, human language is not a regular expression, how can we make sure what we write is correct

By adhering to a literal norm, you stupid mongoloid.

>> No.4722674  
Файл: -(840 KB, 715x1000)

Граммар - легко.
Орфографи, по упомянутым >>4722669 причинам, никак.

>> No.4722675  


Do you really state, that "interlocutor" is such a specific word? What word would you use instead?

>> No.4722688  

В том-то и дело, что норм - нет, есть исключения, которые нужно запоминать.

>> No.4722689  
Файл: -(15 KB, 574x360)

Вы - гады фашистские даже в самом демократичном языке заведётесь, чёртовы педантичные безумцы.

>> No.4722693  


>your interlocutor will be the same fool

In most places you will hear "opponent" in same phrase.

>> No.4722697  


>> No.4722698  

If someone called you "trash can" - remember, it is "trash can" and not "trash can not".

>> No.4722702  
Файл: -(19 KB, 348x342)


>> No.4722706  


Oh I forgot that word, I guess you are right.

>> No.4722721  
Файл: -(192 KB, 636x900)

Пропустил запятую — норм.
Начал предложение с строчной — норм.
Неуместно наставил скобочек в конце предложения — норм.
Перепутал a/the в англотексте — великое возмездие, проклятье на всю семью до тринадцатого колена.

Инглишмены даже не будут заморачиваться насчёт вашего акцента, дорогие мои. А обычный разговорный очень сильно отличается от того, что вы в учебниках видите.

>> No.4722722  

Ычую. Насчёт акцента не знаю, но таки да, разговорный английский проще. Я полгода жил в Америке и за все эти полгода мне пригодилась хорошо если четверть того, что я знаю. С другой стороны, если таки встретится что-то, что ты не знаешь, может быть достаточно плохо.

>> No.4722725  
Файл: -(2570 KB, 2285x2132)

Из того что я заметил: те самые артикли нафуй пропускают, используя только для конкретной ситуации, не заморачиваются со временами, сводя всё к прошедшему/настоящему/будущему.

>> No.4722729  
Файл: -(34 KB, 540x345)

I have this problem as well. So many british guildies, few americans, and yet I can not learn English from them, because they are speaking it even worse than me.

>> No.4722731  

Listen to news channels and academics.



>> No.4722732  

С временами не настолько просто. Я слышал достаточно часто настоящее простое/длительное/совершенное, прошедшее простое/длительное и будущее простое.

>> No.4722733  
Файл: -(964 KB, 998x1248)

Sorry for me bag speake - ai veri bad speaking in english.

>> No.4722737  

This thread is making my eyes bleed.

>> No.4722739  


>> No.4722742  


>This thread is making my eyes blyad.


Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNAuz_qhHTk

>> No.4722744  
Файл: -(309 KB, 800x1433)

Oh yes, and most of grammar-nazi are non-native speakers of English as well.

>> No.4722748  

No problemo senioro conejito.

>> No.4722756  
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>> No.4722760  

Well, duh, there's little to no English speakers in Ru-segment of the Web, so Grammar Nazis are bound to be ESL. And fail spectacularly.

>> No.4722775  
Файл: -(215 KB, 910x950)

А мы вот тут такое нашли (нажать на "произнести").

>> No.4722776  

*в источнике

>> No.4722780  
Файл: -(299 KB, 1886x898)

Лучше бы таджикский учили, баки.

>> No.4722808  

This shit means laughter in the Japanese segment of the Internet.

>> No.4722826  


Экспериментальные эксперименты экспериментальны

>> No.4722913  

Нет, я именно про грамматику. Сочетаются любые слова, вообще любые, существительное и существительное, прилагательное и прилагательное, глагол и союз. Всё это образует вполне осмысленные словосочетания.

А вот для орфографических нацистов как раз раздолье: очень легко ошибиться и написать не те буквы среди всех этих tstching и throught.

>> No.4722943  
Файл: -(2041 KB, 1197x581)

Полностью с вами согласен.

>> No.4723197  
Файл: -(32 KB, 276x304)


> как у нас случилось с "Кофе - оно"

The thing is, my grammar-sir, that using this word as masculinum was the accepted break of grammar in the first place, which came from the earlier grammar-right-masculinum form "кофій".
It's not a claiming the modern mistake as a rule, it's solving the old one according to actual rules.

>> No.4723210  
Файл: -(65 KB, 1280x720)

Это ведь о русском написано было, просто пару слов поменяли, да?

>> No.4723233  
Файл: -(193 KB, 600x480)

I am speaking not about ru-segment, I am pretty rarely there. Technically, only IIchan is the only ru-segment site, where you can have conversations, that I am visiting.

>> No.4723234  

Лучше будет звучать с "not speaking about". Хотя и так можно, не немного коробит слух.

>> No.4723237  

Нет, в русском исключений не так много, хотя тоже достаточно.

Не чинили ошибку, а подвели исключение под общие правила. Сделали бы так со всеми исключениями - цены бы не было. Тогда как в американском английском, как раз таки ошибки узаконили, а также упразднили всякие "усложнения". Это, конечно, похвально - но они лишь сделали ещё больше исключений из правил, а не подвели всё, под правила. А жаль.

>> No.4723241  

Собрались как-то на гонконгской борде русские люди, не знающие английского, и давай говорить на пиджине.

>> No.4723250  
Файл: -(50 KB, 1280x720)

Заходят как-то Сырно, Кроля и Махо Хиядзё в бар, а бармен им и говорит: "Onli native speekers be can be served in this is saloon thing".

>> No.4723325  
Файл: -(100 KB, 700x1098)

I want Sena Kashiwazaki because i love big tits and big ass. Sena Kashiwazaki is my waifu.

>> No.4723327  
Файл: -(167 KB, 787x1035)

Strawberry is the heart of the cake!!!

>> No.4723328  

Even if it is a meat cake?

>> No.4723329  
Файл: -(2 KB, 75x22)

Cake is a lie!

>> No.4723331  

Cake is a true!
Meat cake with vodka is a very good!

>> No.4723343  
Файл: -(30 KB, 653x786)

I am commander Shepard, and this is my favorite thread on the IIchan!

>> No.4723346  
Файл: -(87 KB, 400x240)

Probing uranus, commander.

>> No.4723571  
Файл: -(1921 KB, 1653x1653)

Sup, Cirno. Maybe you know one or two telegram chats created by english speakers? It would be pretty nice if you share them.

>> No.4723632  
Файл: -(366 KB, 762x1024)

I don't get you at all. You complained that english contains a bunch, a lot, of mistakes treated as rules like russian кофе-thing, then you've got a whole explain of why it is not a mistake but fixing the mistake, and now you're telling at first that explain is wrong somehow (!), at second that it's ok that it was fixed (wtf?), and in the end still complaining about english like those кофе explanation was about it. What do you even talking about?
I'm really surprised, that you was able to read that post with such problems of holding the thread of discussion and your own mind. Or didn't you? Maybe that's the case?

>> No.4723651  
Файл: -(443 KB, 1920x1080)

This thread is my MMO experience in a nutshell. Almost every player there speaks english but chances are they still might be a russian. It's not a big deal, probably. But hell if they aren't everywhere, it's not even surprising anymore. I tried some asian servers which come with a big-ass ping and region-specific clients with little to no EN-translation. Even there is a noticeable amount of russian speech and it seems so out of place. I mean, it's JP server, the whole chat window is in japanese, why do you feel like typing there something like "Грёбаные желтомордые"? Why even bother with untranslated games, proxies and whatnot? Is it an unsupressable urge to express yourself just like when you feel like going the wilderness and screaming at the top of your lungs some obscenities? Why, russian people, why? It just feels wrong and alien, and it was so much better in nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hеll in a cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table.

>> No.4723654  
Файл: -(1277 KB, 2261x2532)

10+ years of education and I still can't keep in mind rules of tenses' and articles' usage. Learned to read somehow only thanks to games and visual novels, but can not write something longer than 3 words in english-speaking space without fear of making a mistake.

>> No.4723675  

Why did no one invite /bant/ here yet? Should I do it?

>> No.4723676  

My name is Sasha that's lie and I'm from Russia and this too

>> No.4723677  

Such an interesting thread! I going to stay here for some time. Join to me!
май инглиш из перфект

>> No.4723678  
Файл: -(14 KB, 352x88)


> девушкой с пониженной социальной ответственностью

Ужасно, Сена-чан, ужасное выражение, как будто бы девушка несёт ответственность перед обществом за число своих 恋人ов. В то время как есть множество прекрасных подходящих к случаю русских слов.

Not bad at all your English is , except "rules for", have used, you should, I think. Hard, on the other hand, of articles the topic is: irregularities abound there. 気にしないで.

>> No.4723679  
Файл: -(235 KB, 888x888)

I am Semyon and I love Myon!

>> No.4723680  

I am Igor and I love sigi and knigi

>> No.4723681  

i'm andrey and i love ayanami reu

>> No.4723706  
Файл: -(182 KB, 1280x720)


>В то время как есть множество прекрасных подходящих к случаю русских слов.
>> No.4723714  
Файл: -(9 KB, 300x168)

Once there was a girl that stole my heart

>> No.4723720  
Файл: -(51 KB, 736x683)

Igor? Is that you?

>> No.4723726  

My name is Vadim and I love doing it odin.

>> No.4723728  

My name is Pavel and I am watching every sequel.

>> No.4723729  

My name is Dimon and I am doing it alone.

>> No.4723732  

My name is Alyona and I have no one doma.

>> No.4723768  

Hello, my name is Yuri and I love yuri.

>> No.4723773  
Файл: -(119 KB, 1280x720)

My name is Emmanuil Gedeonovich and i am gonna fnyack your ship up. How's that for great?

>> No.4723775  

Fnyak? Are you Seno?

>> No.4723779  
Файл: -(97 KB, 400x240)

You are such a smartass.

>> No.4723782  

My ass is not smart, but my head is.

>> No.4723793  
Файл: -(93 KB, 400x240)

Kind of don't want to moot your ass.

>but my head


>> No.4723797  

You are thinking only about butts!

>> No.4723798  

It's because Seno is a butt-headed attention whore.

>> No.4723799  
Файл: -(295 KB, 700x637)


>> No.4723801  
Файл: -(80 KB, 400x240)

No. Just no.

>> No.4723803  
Файл: -(306 KB, 650x990)

Buns love a carrot?

>> No.4723818  

Maybe the Carrot?

>> No.4723830  
Файл: -(92 KB, 400x240)


>Carrot Buns recipe
>Place some cream on top of bun, then a strip of jam.
>Dan Lepard makes carrot and cumin burger buns
>> No.4723903  
Файл: -(62 KB, 640x640)


> middle asia

Central Asia*. Also, some of us know russian better than most of the russians.

>> No.4723905  
Файл: -(955 KB, 1052x1600)


>> No.4723907  
Файл: -(461 KB, 1200x850)

Try @goaskalice.

>> No.4723916  


>Central Asia



The most important part.

>know russian better than most of the russians.

But most of young migrants from central asia speak Russian at pretty bad lvl.
Didn't mention to exclude Kazakhstan from "central asia" for obvious reasons.
Kyrgyzstan too, probably. But i never spoke with somebody from Kyrgyzstan irl. So i dunno about their skills.

>> No.4723918  


>invite /bant/ here

What is the point?

>> No.4723920  
Файл: -(70 KB, 640x480)

Why not? They are english speaking board this is english speaking thread. We're not interact a lot.

>> No.4723922  
Файл: -(42 KB, 401x471)


> But most of young migrants from central asia speak Russian at pretty bad lvl.

Yep, most of them are uneducated young people from kishlaks. Sorry and thank you for having them :3.

>> No.4723924  


>We're not interact a lot.

Is this correct?

>> No.4723925  


>thank you for having them :3

They will return back, don't worry :3

>> No.4723927  

Em, I can't be sure, but think yes.
Or wait, what do you mean, grammar/lang stuff or what I've said?

>> No.4723933  
Файл: -(25 KB, 490x447)

But only temporarily :3. After some time they will be in need for work and money again.

>> No.4723934  


>Why not?

This thread will sunk in 5 minutes.

>> No.4723935  


>will sunk

Stop. Just stop.

>> No.4723936  
Файл: -(22 KB, 400x400)


>> No.4723937  


>will be in need for work and money again

Don't worry at the end they will return to homeland and will buy some house near Tashkent/Dushanbe.

>> No.4723938  
Файл: -(794 KB, 842x473)

You have no power here!

>> No.4723939  
Файл: -(53 KB, 565x541)

To increase the banter!

>> No.4723941  
Файл: -(225 KB, 500x375)


>> No.4723944  
Файл: -(408 KB, 666x736)

dum russian tranny

>> No.4723948  

lewd gaphag.

hmm, looks like this place doesn't use sage.

>> No.4723950  
Файл: -(179 KB, 1500x1000)

Native english speaker here, hello

>> No.4723956  

A night, a street, a lamp, a drugstore

A meaningless and dismal light

A quarter century outpours -

It’s all the same. No chance to flight.


You’d die and rise anew, begotten.

All would repeat as ever might:

The street, the icy rippled water,

The store, the lamp, the lonely night.

>> No.4723958  

Bonjour! Parlez-vous français?

>> No.4723959  

Sage is dead since... Pretty long time ago.

>> No.4723960  

Nous devons avoir le thread special pour parler le Francais!
Le Francais est la langue tres belle!

>> No.4723963  
Файл: -(328 KB, 1050x1492)

Hi. Let's talk about interesting topic.
Many of non-english speakers agree that r18-manga translated to their native language is just terrible to read. Not because of quality of translation, but because lewd phrases are cringeworthy. And this problem is solving by reading in non-native language, most commonly english. Those phrases become not only fine, but even hot in foreign language.
So we heard (in local /a/) that native english speakers are in worst position in this case. And forced to bear with it every time they read lewd manga or to learn another language, like spanish (which is called to be easiest for english speakers) or japanese. Is that true?

>> No.4723965  

Thanks, but structure of your sentences is a bit confusing.

>> No.4723967  

The only acceptable translations are in Australian, since you can have a laugh and wank at the same time

>> No.4723968  
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Hello fellow mortals!

I come to you from the distant and mythical land of France, home of world-renown cuisine, weeks-long worker strikes and, of course, the French themselves.
You may now ask any question about this WONDERFUL land, its customs and its people!

>> No.4723970  
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> since you can have a laugh and wank at the same time

But that's hard!

>> No.4723971  

I do not visit /a/ very often but I do know that /h/, our hentai board, does translate stuff from Japanese to English occasionally.

>> No.4723973  
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>> No.4723974  

So as you, my frog-eater fellow!
I once start interested in France, watched a few basic lessons and drop, but, maybe one day...

>> No.4723978  


>> No.4723980  

>>4723963 yeah 18+ doujin are silly to read. A lot of people like the dialogue, myself included. Maybe we got used to it.

>> No.4724036  
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Hello friend

I don't think it will be so bad

Have a cute Maka

>> No.4724095  

That indeed was a good idea to invite /bant/er lads, that were coincidentally born and raised on your nemesis board (you know the one, with Vikentiy and Zoi).
I have forgot about this board for a long time, and I might start shitposting here again. Do you regret making an invitation yet?

>> No.4724111  


>> No.4724113  

Je ne mange pas six jours

>> No.4724134  
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>> No.4724151  

Nemesis or more like a rival?

>> No.4724169  

Nemesis. Or a sworn enemy. Whatever. I can't even say the name of the board, because of autoban.

>> No.4724223  

Isn't nemesis the one who brings vengeance?

>> No.4724225  

Anyone have any English-related questions? I got decent marks in school so I should be able to explain.

>> No.4724244  

I think the one is simply called "the avenger".
Sorry, couldn't think up one at this time. Oh, did I say that correctly? Should have I omitted "at this time" or used "any one", because I couldn't place an article there?

>> No.4724253  

Very close, "I can't think of one at this time" would be the most proper form and what I would most expect reading would be something like "I can't think of any right now" or "I can't think of any at the moment"

You can just say "any" since we understand we're discussing "questions" as the subject

"at the moment" is a sort of idiom if you aren't familiar, I'm not sure how that translates, it's a sort of contraction of "at the present moment" meaning "right now"

>> No.4724254  
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What is the correct spelling for 「Я случайно Сырно」 proverb? I accidentally Cirno? Or I occasionally Cirno?

>> No.4724264  

The former. "Ocassionally" is when you do some action time to time, not just once.

>> No.4724265  


>> No.4724266  

Accidentally! Accidentally is like, by mistake or without intention. Occasionally is saying you do sometimes, intermittently, on purpose but not often.

>> No.4724272  
Файл: -(118 KB, 538x526)

/bant/ here, holy shit

>> No.4724274  

What other Maho Hiyajos said. I would also write it as not just "Cirno" but "a Cirno" or even "an Cirno" instead. Just for emphasis.

>> No.4724283  

How do you "accidentally Cirno?" Is that one of those cutesy grammatical error memes like "I accidentally a car," or something like that? If so, I'd say "I accidentally a Cirno," tbqh.

>> No.4724286  


> a Cirno

I'm sure this must depend of meaning of "Cirno" here.

>> No.4724293  


>> No.4724295  

If you wanna do the cutesy grammar error thing, you just can add "a" in front of Cirno, which is a name and thus a proper noun, to turn it into a just a regular noun which would be used for objects and groups of people. This is optional, though I'm only suggesting this because the format of the cutesy error meme usually pertains to objects or subjects, so a proper noun being treated as a regular noun would make sense.

>> No.4724296  
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>> No.4724307  
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Don't even dare to ashame fellow crossboarderhood.

>> No.4724311  
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Oh, I see it! And now I got an initial ability to do some "baka" thing on more than one language! Awesome, thank you.

It is not an error in any way! It is the ancient Iichanish proverb, which is belongs to truly Cirno wisdom. Something like Zen koans, in some kind of sense. But if you think about it too seriously — then you make a mistake!

>> No.4724515  
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I hope fine is the structure, plain. Still, more refined the order is, agreeing with the topic of the thread.

「bet」, 「bat」 and 「but」 distinguish easily can you, by sound? Depending on the accent is it?

>> No.4724518  
Файл: -(60 KB, 355x383)

「po~tas~koo~sha~☆゚♡」 — разве не мило? А как бы ты хотела перевести то слово?

>> No.4724523  



t. zone66

>> No.4724555  
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Потаскуша, рор? Звучит как имя какого-нибудь нопона. Пикрелейтед, няпример.

>разве не мило?

Ну, если так никого не называть, то возможно что и мило. Или в отрыве от русского языка. Но если называть и знать русский язык, то обидно, наверно. Хоть и мило, местами.

>А как бы ты хотела перевести то слово?

Ну, переводится оно достаточно однозначно, как слово, на зыке русской обсценной лексики означающее первичные половые признаки девочки. Но такой перевод не отражает всей глубины этого слова в английском языке, поэтом сильно зависит от контекста. В каждом отдельном случае может быть по-разному.

>> No.4724558  

I want a free hamburger.

>> No.4724560  

Aya the Fag

>> No.4724562  
Файл: -(470 KB, 750x800)

Too late~! This one's mine already!

>> No.4724566  

Give me that half eaten cheeseburger than. It's mine now.

>> No.4724569  
Файл: -(539 KB, 914x1280)

Woah, now it's gone! Too late again~!

>> No.4724571  

Do you at least have any pizza pies and iced caramel macchiatos for free?

>> No.4724581  

Remember, English is one of the most important languages to learn right now considering that the hellhole of a country you're in now is doomed to Tyranny. You should evacuate to Britain or Canada as soon as possible.- T. /Pol/

>> No.4724589  
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Do you want donuts? Got some left, i suppose...

>> No.4724592  

I will have a donut I guess. *Snatches donut

>> No.4724754  
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Is English a vegetable?

>> No.4724815  

Good question. English is in fact a vegetable in the terms of being like celery. It is very good for you. The Russian language is like sugar, it is bad for the teeth.

>> No.4724820  

And what is Japanese then?

>> No.4724832  

But teeth harm is a myth. And russian definitely isn't sweet, that must be french. Russian must be something a little harsh and depressing but your roommate who act like a niga from ghetto but white and with science degree eats from he's childhood.
Something extremely hot? Like some sort of chili pepper. Hard for the most but unusual experience and pleasure for some.

>> No.4724838  

And english must be some fast food. It's everywhere, it looks simple and light, but inside you've got ghoti instead of natural fish and other unhealthy things, and it's dangerous to replace your usual food too much.

>> No.4724903  

Do you know why 4chan is down at the moment?

>> No.4724924  

I don't think it is down.

>> No.4724933  

/bant/ boy here. What it be my ruski friends.
The russian options are confusing me.

>> No.4724935  
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Interesting, clearly tripcodes are not available here.

>> No.4724938  
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Hi /Bant/ guy. Who're you?

>> No.4724940  

the britfag tripfag

>> No.4724943  
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Explain what I'm doing here r/banter

>> No.4724952  
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/bant/ here. Hi Russia! This is my super cute and lovely wife, Dia. Please treat her kindly.

>> No.4724962  

Russians seem to be shy.

>> No.4724963  

It's 7 in the morning here, what do you expect?

>> No.4724965  

That's the best time to be on.

>> No.4724966  

That's the best time to sleep.

>> No.4724972  

All the /Bant/ Russians are on around that time.

>> No.4724973  

I will be glad to speak with you, but my english not too much good.

>> No.4724974  

I don't know a bit of Russian either. Why cant you all just speak American?

>> No.4724977  

But that's English too!

>> No.4724978  

Sure is. Maybe you should learn English?

>> No.4724986  

If I didn't know English, probably I wouldn't be posting in this thread. I'm sure that most of the people in Iichan know English quite well.

>> No.4724988  


>If I didn't know English, probably I wouldn't be posting in this thread. I'm sure that most of the people in Iichan know English quite well.

That's post is my limit, so i can't agree. I can read, but not write.

>> No.4725054  

Nope. Japanese language is better in all ways. How can u jerk on vns while u dont know the Moonspeak?

>> No.4725055  

Some things are translated into English. Like Higurashi, for instance.

>> No.4725085  

Yeah, the most popular and famous vns are already translated into English, and do translating now. However not all. I'd like to read Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien, but there's isn't even English translation. So sad, man. God bless English translators, plaease make me and all people happy...

>> No.4725539  

What is a vns?

>> No.4725544  

Visual novels. Like ES Higurashi, Saya no Uta...you got it.

>> No.4725550  


>I can read, but not write


>> No.4725565  
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Hi guys!
Is there someone who plays MMO games with english-speaking dudes? Like, you know, WoW, Guild Wars 2, etc.
I became a part of big EU/US alliance, you know, those guys are amazing. They are very cool, do not generate huge amount of drama just because they lost a big fight and, most importantly, they do not shitpost and swear.
Too bad I was afraid to leave russian-only guilds (corporations, actually; yeah, it's EVE Online I'm talking about) for a looooong time.

>> No.4725586  

It's really sweet feeling when you can play and communicate with other players from over the world, I know that man. And as a rule, the English speaking community are better than a Russian one. I wonder if it's because of character's difference.

>> No.4725591  

Good to know you discovered new frontier, but as a calm reminder - do not overestimate foreign people based on fresh experience, might bite you back later. While chat quality does considerably differ between RU and ENG in EVE, there as much toxic people, drama, backstabbing and drama again in ENG community as in our own. It's just that being a regular dick towards everyone is way harder in huge corporations and alliances, because with such deep socially linked sandbox these things won't last long (on EVE scale we are talking about at least one year) if people behave as they want. Be nice and fly safe 07

>> No.4725657  
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Hi-hi, everyone!
Is it going to be chat-thread but in english?
Well, if it so, may I pick an nick-name or avatar?
So you can call me now Mara or Marller.

>> No.4725658  

In ye days of past, that thread would be deleted in a blink of the eye. I told you.


>> No.4725662  
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Some years ago I was playing “Black Prophecy”. Servers and devs was based in deutschland, and the funny moment was that they had blocked any downloading of .exe from Russian ip-addresses.
Pity that gam doesn’t live long, but I’ve liked it so much.

Oh yes! I know some developing game in that genre, that should become greate sample. It was called “Infinity Universe”, but later was separeted on two projects. The second one named “Infinity: Battlescape”. The live one is battlescape. Developers are “I-Novae Studios”.


>> No.4725675  
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Do Russia are know of greatest nation Pictland

>> No.4725681  

Still waiting for sauce.

>> No.4725692  

Shortened forms of words are not to be translated.
In the days of the past it wouldn't appear because of the ban on foreign IPs.

>> No.4725694  
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> wouldn't appear

Why? Thread started and continued by locals.

>> No.4725696  

Well, no locals would probably want to talk to each other in English - I'm there to talk to all of you from /bant/ - my IP range is banned there.

>> No.4725702  
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> Well, no locals would probably want to talk to each other in English

Wrong. Some of us will happily practice talking to each other in foreign language, it's less embarrassing and scary than in the wild with real foreigners.
I'm local actually, and my country is banned on 4chan too. You can try 8chan, if you want, their /a/ looks really sweet (at least on christmas, I'm coming there every year).

>> No.4725704  

Semyon Semyonovich, please log in. And I do not plan to leave Iichan.

>> No.4725712  

Of course.

>> No.4725720  
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Just forgot to delete old post. There was 4 variants :3.

> And I do not plan to leave Iichan.

Crossboarding is your cure. Хожу куда хочу, не уходя с ычана.

>> No.4725724  

Well, it's quite inconvenient to visit an imageboard that is only accessible with VPN and Iichan at the same time.

>> No.4725732  
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Oh, 8ch is still blocked in RF?

>> No.4725733  


>> No.4725976  

У меня не заблокан.

>> No.4726259  
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For /bant/-comrade told about interface:
There is a powerful user-script "dollchan extension tools", a lot of people use for a lot of image boards including this one (a lot of time even the developer's thread lived here), and even 4chan. You can google, install, and try it.

>> No.4726276  

I don't normally use it. Iichan looks weird with it. Потому что вакаба хороша как она есть - голенькая!

>> No.4726282  


Хороший Ычанин. Годный Ычанин. Лучший Ычанин войны.

>> No.4726295  

Но ведь тут она очень даже не голенькая!

>> No.4726301  

Dress up neoWakaba-chan, baka hentai!

>> No.4726358  

No,Wakaba-chan, don't dress up! You're so cute like that!

>> No.4726366  
Файл: -(1215 KB, 1000x1100)

Well, author is still visiting his native place here - Free Dollchan. Recently he linked his new site for this script/extension there: >>4716462

>> No.4726373  


>a lot of time


>> No.4726379  

I remember times when Dollchan was good place to read nice people. Now it is just few autobamping weird people.

>> No.4726383  

What are you talking about? /b/ Dollchan was never good.

>> No.4726390  

I've just bought a Pentel Brush Pen (so-called fude-pen), 'cause I am eager to get into calligraphy. I also studying japanese kanji by the book, intended for, well, calligraphy students. Waiting for pen to arrive.
Any advice?
Thanks in advance.

>> No.4726391  
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Using doolscript right now actually, lol.

>> No.4726392  


>> No.4726447  
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Once in a decade, yeah, thax foh link here anyway

>> No.4726532  

Girly guys and girls. I still think English is the Chardonnay of languages and that Russian is like the communist cop off of it.

>> No.4726533  

I don't understand the idiom.

>> No.4726642  

What is an idiom?

>> No.4726650  
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I want to fuck my waifu with a rifle. But I can't have rifle, cause I mental(if you khnow what I mean). And I can't do love with my waifu cause she's cartoon.
So I prefer pedovkas. It's kinda young subculture sluts for booze.
Don't mess around with me nigga, I'm mad! I'll punch your with a chair three times - one, two, three - and you will be half-dead! And then, I get off you pants and stick my penis in your chokolate star! Prepare, baby! I stay at the door! I just wanna love you! Why you running(((

>> No.4726657  

What does he mean by this?

>> No.4726697  

That he forgot to take his meds today.

[d | an-b-bro-fr-gf-hr-l-m-maid-med-mi-mu-ne-o-old_o-p-ph-r-s-sci-sp-t-tran-tv-w-x | bg-vg | au-mo-tr | a-aa-abe-azu-c-dn-fi-hau-jp-ls-ma-me-rm-sos-tan-to-vn | misc-tenma-vndev | dev-stat]
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