>Тогда у тебя не должно возникнуть сложности с тем, чтобы привести в пример пару текстов на тему.
Но ты же просто ждешь эти тексты только ради того, чтобы придраться к чему-нибудь. Хорошо, вот из Норинага:
"People from all over the world refer to Japan as the Land of the Gods. Indeed, it is exactly as they say: as a special mark of favor from the heavenly gods, they gave birth to our country, and thus there is so immense a difference between Japan and all other countries of the world as to defy comparison. Ours is a splendid and blessed country, the Land of the Gods beyond any doubt, and we, down to the most humble man and woman, are the descendants of the gods...Japanese differ completely and are superior to the peoples of China, India, Russia, Holland, Siam, Cambodia, and all other countries of the world...The ancient Japanese all correctly and consciously practiced what the Confucians called humaneness, rightness, the Five Cardinal Virtues, and the rest, whitout having any need to name them or to teach them...This is the essentially Japanese quality of Japan, and one in which we may see a magnificient example of Japan's superiority to all other countries of the world." Процитировано по: Sources of Japanese Tradition, 1600 to 2000, стр.512 и дальше.